
Thanks for checking out my blog. It's here that I plan to share with you my experiences that I hold close to my heart. Enjoy reading.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

There SOME Shoes Go...Here Shoes Come

Ok.. so yesterday was a little emotional for me. The first of two trucks came to pick up the shoes that I have collected over the past two and a half months. I wanted to be sure to post lots of pictures so here goes.

First the truck arrives and backs into the truck bay.

Howard from the Tasty T-Shirt Company next door was an incredible help!

Howard and the truck driver, Henry loading up.

Half done... still more to go.

Now... that's one full truck load of shoes!!

Now... a couple of things....

1. Todd knows of all people... I'll try on any hat...and sit in any seat, at least for a moment. I remember being told... "Get out of the front seat" in Dubai and it taking a few minutes for me to figure out why women can't sit in the front seat there. Gladly after Todd said so nicely... "Rachel, we know you can... now get out of the seat" I moved rather expeditiously out of the front seat of the van to the airport. Next question, who was going with me in another van/car... because I wasn't going nowhere by myself in Dubai.

2. That picture of me in the truck... Many of you may or may not know I have a great knowledge of the trucking industry and my previous exposure in working with the Department of Transportation here in Washington, D.C. I couldn't get over Boomer the latest spokesperson for Soles4Souls. So that is my "Boomette" impression! Love you Boomer!

3. The truck was late by 2 hours and my good friend Emily was able to get my younger kids off the bus for me after she helped me pack more shoes at the warehouse. She has been such a sounding board from the very beginning of this chapter in my life. When I told her I was going to Africa right before I left Emily gave me her beads to wear that a friend had brought her from Africa and told me... that I was to return them... wearing them. In other words... to be safe. We share the same birthday and have children that know how to make a difference with compassion and empathy that are the best of friends. Here is a picture of the two of us at our kids Halloween Parade... we are the fun Moms. No sticks in the mud or Debbie Downers here.

3. Close to the end of the day I was literally running across the soccer field with three kids to get Sarah to soccer practice on time. Tagging my husband Bill and saying... "You're it" and going to pick up two more drop off locations that were taking over the facility with overflowing shoe boxes.

4. The very end of the day I got a phone call from Julie Reybold, Curtis's Mom. Curtis has been at the warehouse many many days and had me in tears the day he picked up two boxes and carried them like they were Twinkies. I struggled with one box full of shoes and here he comes with two. Curtis a senior at Reservoir High School has really taken on the lead of collecting shoes and getting them to the warehouse. He has been a wonderful inspiration to me. When I asked him one day why he was at the warehouse helping me his response was... "Because it's the right thing to do." Profound. I only hope I am raising my own children to do things because it's the right thing to do.

Ok.. time to get a move on it today. Lunches to make and children to wake.

Have a great day Everyone,

